Does Your Florida Keys Business Have a Blog? Today’s Consumers Read Blog Posts Before They Buy

This new generation of consumers came of age in the thick of the technology boom and the midst of the Great Recession. This has made this new generation of consumers more cautious buyers. They have the tools to thoroughly research purchases before making them and the understanding of why it's important not to make wasteful

What Top Five Business Adventures Will People Begin in 2020?

It's hard to believe, but 2020 is closer than we think, and people are making serious moves toward their next business adventure. That might be a new line of business entirely, it may be in a new part of the country, or a completely new way of doing things...perhaps a mixture of all three! For

Five Must Haves For Hurricane Evacuation In The Florida Keys

Nobody wants to think about it, but everyone who lives along the coast has to - and that's what is needed in a hurricane evacuation. While the Florida Keys have escaped most major hurricanes in the last decade, that doesn't mean a major one couldn't strike at any time. It's best to be prepared all

How To Cut Your Water Costs By More Than Half

A smaller water bill is nice, and it's equally as nice to think about how saving fresh water is good for the environment. It can be a challenge to save water when you have multiple family members, or are watering a garden, but there are very practical ways to conserve water that you probably haven't

2023-08-07T18:56:50-04:00July 5th, 2019|Bed & Breakfasts, Buyers, Sellers|

Why Should Someone Buy Your Commercial Building?

When it comes down to it, that's a question you have to ask yourself. Why did you buy it? (Or did you? Was it gifted to you, or did you inherit it, or did you actually buy it?) How successful have you been with the business you've done there? Whatever the answers are to these

The Three Best Ways To Improve Your Credit Score

You need good credit to obtain just about everything in life - a car, a home, and sometimes even employment! It doesn't take much to cause a score to drop, but fortunately, there are many ways to improve a credit score as well. Understanding the basics of what a credit score is comprised of can

2023-08-07T18:56:50-04:00July 3rd, 2019|Business Loans, Buyers|

The Real Deal About Key West Weather

Key West, Florida, is the most southern city in the United States - it must always be hot as blazes, right? For people who are looking to set up a business, buy a home, or simply travel to Key West, it may behoove them to learn a little more about weather conditions, which while warm,

5 Ways To Add Inexpensive Character to Any Building In The Florida Keys

When people are buying homes, they are looking for something that makes one stand out or one that seems to resonate with them. Unfortunately, many people are looking at so many homes in one day that they often forget than amenities of each house they tour. You can making you home have character and style

The Top Five Things Buyers Want In Commercial Property

If you're buying or selling commercial or property, you should be aware of some of the things people are looking for. It's not always possible to accommodate everyone's wants and desires, but being aware will put you ahead of the game.   Things To Consider About Commercial Property Transportation - how will clients access the

The Three Most Beautiful Beaches In Key West

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in Key West, Florida, nearly everything you encounter is gorgeous! The water is blue and sparkling and the sky is sapphire as it runs the horizon beside the white sand. The four miles of oceanside wonder are the most southern portion of the United States, and

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