What to Put in a Tenant Welcome Basket

When new tenants move into an apartment, it's an exciting time for them and you as a landlord. For the duration of the lease, they have a secure home, and you have a steady income. By marking this occasion with a gift basket for renters, you can start off your relationship with a positive bond

Tips on Remodeling Your Rental Property

Rental properties need periodic renovation, whether to keep such units in a state of good repair or to keep up with changing renter requirements. While the general processes of renovating a rental property are similar to those used for a personal residence, they are also different in one key way. You're not renovating the property

5 Tips to Get Repeat Renters for a Vacation Home

Renting a vacation home is a big commitment for travelers. However, once they've found a spot they like, they are likely to return to the same property. Repeat renters are a bonus for vacation property owners. The property owner can rent to someone they know and may be able to expect reliable income. Here's how

Hotel, Motel, or Bed & Breakfast? What’s the Difference?

Florida has a thriving real estate market that attracts investors from all around the country. Since Key West is a unique travel destination, hospitality businesses may have a greater chance of success here. However, the location also attracts plenty of other investors, so competition could be stiff depending on which Key you are thinking of

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